To initiate your journey with Swipelux, please follow these steps✨:
Fill out the Form:
Visit Swipelux's signup form and complete the required information.
Submit the form to express your interest in integrating Swipelux into your platform.
Wait for Contact:
After submitting the form, Swipelux will contact you to provide guidance on the next steps, which include KYB (Know Your Business) and integration procedures.
Integration Options:
Swipelux offers flexibility in integration. You can choose to integrate their widget using either the API or SDK. Refer to the documentation provided here for detailed instructions.
KYB Validation:
Before launching the Swipelux widget on your website or platform, you will need to undergo KYB (Know Your Business) validation.
The KYB validation process typically takes no more than 5 business days.
‼️ For any inquiries or assistance, reach out to the Swipelux team at